
Happy Thanksgiving! Tips to survive Thanksgiving

While Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful for all the blessings already in our lives, it’s much more than just a dinner. What if you felt grateful for life itself, and for the in-your-face miracle of waking up another day? Shift your perspective — your gratitude will grow.

Happy thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you have an amazing day celebrating with friends and family. It’s the perfect time to take a moment to remember what you’re thankful for this year.

The holiday season is upon us, and what that usually means is FOOD and LOTS of it! Here are a few tips to help you get survive the holiday season.

  • Pregame your Thankgiving dinner
    • Yes, you heard that correctly! Starting a big dinner is a recipe for over-eating and all that extra food goes straight to your waistline.
  • Don’t dress in saggy clothes
    • By wearing clothes that are a little snug you are less likely to overeat, because you are more likely to feel uncomfortable much sooner.
  • Eat off of colorful plates
    • This might sound strange but research suggests that certain colors play a significant role in the amount of food you eat.
  • Join the cleanup crew!
    • An hour spent cleaning can help you lose up to 100 calories!

More on gratitude and happiness. This Thanksgiving, who or what are you most grateful for?

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving!

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