5 Easy Ways To Rank Your Nonprofit Website

The primary purpose of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is to contribute to more vulnerable areas of our societies without expecting economic revenue for their duties.
NGOs are usually nonprofit organizations. This means they afford their expenses and commitments, mainly by receiving donations.

1. Make Your Online Charity Site Visible
What would happen to NGOs if fewer people visited their online charity shops due to external issues (such as the pandemic)?
Sadly, fewer people would contribute to their causes. Some NGOs might disappear, especially the ones that depend exclusively on individuals’ donations.
Just imagine if there were ways your NGO or nonprofit site could be more visible, and more users would find it. The donations online for charity would increase, and the local potential your charity has could transcend to other spaces where people could also care about it.
This is where a well-structured digital marketing action plan can become a powerful aid for your non-profit.
2. Adapt Your Nonprofit Website To Every Unexpected Situation
In 2020, the British Overseas NGOs for Development (BOND) made a study that predicted that 65% of NGOs would have terrible losses after two years, and just a few could continue their activities after this period.
During the pandemic, 220 million people worldwide lost their jobs, and many NGOs worked extremely hard to help them find new activities to sustain their families. At that point, it became clear to many NGOs that they had to go digital to help as many people as they could and maintain sustainability.
Another reason was that most of their volunteers from nonprofit organizations couldn’t go presently, so they needed new ways to participate, hence, the digital front.

Since NGOs are nonprofit fundraising entities, and their main objective isn’t to obtain revenues, the only income they receive comes from donations from different charities.
Nevertheless, the world has changed significantly. Every organization, profitable or non-profitable, must adapt to the newest online tendencies to reach more users that may consume their content.
In the case of NGOs, this will help reach people interested in their causes and obtain possible investors, aside from the traditional charities.
3. Make Your NGO Turn Into an Online Charity Shop
Today, if you don’t have an online presence, you don’t exist. Even if you are not selling a specific product as an NGO, you still want to generate effective brand awareness.
You will have the chance to get in touch with other users and show them what you do. This creates excellent bonds with high-quality leads.
The best way to get others to know your organization, whether you work in a profitable or nonprofitable industry, is to have a solid online presence, optimizing everything from websites to social media.

But not every social media or online platform will work to reach your target audience, especially if you don’t know them well.
First, you need to know what people are interested in your NGO cause so you can reach them.
Approaching the correct audience will increase your chances of expanding your nonprofit website by explaining your purpose, seeming relatable, and obtaining recognition among the circles your organization needs.

Recently, some NGOs have implemented several payment methods, such as GoFundMe, so others can make their donations online for charity. This allows people worldwide to learn about their rewarding purpose and enables an incredible donation platform for those who want to contribute to their causes.
These platforms have been helping nonprofit organizations and causes for several years. Still, most NGOs didn’t know about it until the pandemic steered them to try new online charity possibilities to receive donations.
4. Nonprofits Have Limitless Ways to Rank in the Online World
The possibilities are endless! So, don’t limit your NGO to the physical world; start searching for online alternatives. This will bring many benefits, like attracting other organizations that want to contribute to the causes you lead.
If you think this is too much work for an NGO, it’s time to think twice.
First, everyone can take advantage of this technological and revolutionary phenomenon.
And second, because you don’t have to do it yourself directly, you can ask a Digital Marketing agency in New York City to do it for you.

Different industries need to cooperate with other fields, so their business continues to grow. This will help you automate your work and operate on a higher scale gaining remarkable results.
Taking advantage of online tools is like having clones working for your nonprofit website while focusing on other essential tasks that your NGO requires.
NGOs can’t be left behind online because fewer people will know them; hence, their causes will be forgotten, or worse, donations can drop down to none.
5. Choose the correct Marketing Agency.
Connecting with the right marketing agency will take your nonprofit website to a higher level. First, you need to know that branding for NGOs or nonprofit sites presents particular marketing challenges present only amongst these nonprofit areas.
Be selective and choose a marketing agency with enough experience in your field.
A marketing agency will help to efficiently get your organization ranked and positioned and produce quality content that will impact potential allies.

Working with the right team allows you to concentrate on your primary tasks, like helping the cause you are focused on, while an external partner takes care of all the digital issues of your nonprofit website.
This partnership will help you achieve all the business goals you set but haven’t reached due to the digital field challenges.
Also, you may optimize your activities and obtain outstanding results, saving more money and doing it in less time.
We Are Here for You
Opportunities are made for those brave enough to take them.
Staying on the job isn’t enough anymore. The world has changed and so have the consuming habits. We must adapt to this new norm as soon as possible, or we’ll risk being left behind.
Take your time and analyze all the possibilities that work for your nonprofit website.
If you have any marketing ideas you want to put in place for your nonprofit organization or NGO, and you just don’t know how we can make it happen together, please contact us today, and we will assess you personally!