
Branding your business, and why it’s important!

The Importance of Branding In Business

Many small and medium scale enterprises often make the mistake of ignoring branding efforts because they perceive their business as nothing more than a ‘mere business’ instead of a brand! To them, brands are mainly the big budget companies that command immense respect and national recognition. And in most cases, because they often tend to look at those ‘big companies’ as their market share usurpers, they eventually cower and settle for less once they’ve designed a flashy business logo and a catchy business card.

How much of your time have you committed to building a strong brand for your business?

Sadly, not all business owners consider branding as an essential thing to do when setting up their business. The truth is, branding is a relevant term when it comes to marketing a business.

One of the reasons why most businesses aren’t as successful as it ought to be is because many business owners don’t understand why branding is so crucial — or even what ‘branding’ really means. And since they have a poor understanding of it, they tend to feel indifferent about it. Taking a quick look at what lies beneath the name of that company you love to admire, you’ll see a carefully crafted and well-nurtured business brand that affirms the credibility of the company’s products and services.

What Exactly Is Branding?

Branding is the way people perceive your business the very moment they hear or think of your business name or the products & services you offer. The way customers see your brand differs according to each customer’s emotion appeal & behavioral traits. However, the ways you project the overall appearance of your business will etch a long-lasting image and impression in the mind of your customers. If you followed our previous article on the importance of business planning, you’d notice that the fourth foundational step of building a successful business is branding.

How Does Branding Help My Business?

Branding is essential for all sizes of businesses, especially for small and medium scale businesses. Here are some reasons why branding is of consequential importance to your business;

  • Increases Brand Equity
    • It reaffirms your credibility
    • It provides direction and motivation to your employees
  • Generate goodwill & loyalty and build trust in business
    • It encourages repeat customers and helps to generate referrals
    • Motivate your potential audience to buy or take the next step
    • Encourages word-of-mouth marketing strategy from satisfied customers
  • Distinguishes your business from numerous market competitors
    • It helps to deliver a marketing message clearly and succinctly to customers
    • Builds an emotional connection between your business and your customers
    • It aligns your marketing plan with that of your business objectives to devise an efficient business strategy.
Branding Funnel

Final Note

Branding is one of the core foundations of a successful business, so do proper research, invest a reasonable amount of time in defining and building your brand. Branding is pivotal in your marketing communication because without it; your business won’t reach its alpine height.

More so, it’s important to mention that, branding goes beyond customer’s identifying your business logo. Remember that your brand represents your unwavering promise to your customers – it’s like an unspoken contract between your business and your customers. People don’t trust traditional advertisements anymore, so make sure when you embark on your brand awareness strategy that it reaches your audience in a way that instills confidence, and no doubts.