
The Potential of Chatbot Ideas: The Gap in Customer Service

Chatbot implementation has significantly improved customer service response times.

The rise of chatbots has changed customer service. But making intelligent chatbots that genuinely help users is challenging. Chatbot ideas are everywhere in today’s digital world, but blending artificial intelligence with user expectations is challenging. There’s a difference in how companies and customers see chatbots. Surveys found that 63% of companies think chatbot implementation makes

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning the Future of E-commerce In our previous article, we analyzed the future of personalization and customization in e-commerce. However, with machine learning becoming ever more integrated into our daily lives, it’s only fair to further discuss the role, significance, and the effect of this emerging technology in eCommerce. The truth is, a lot has

What does the future of eCommerce look like?

The Future of Personalization in Ecommerce With fine-tuned personalization abilities, most e-commerce site now tries to customize the shopping experience to the needs of their shoppers. eBay and Amazon are examples of such e-commerce sites that practice this. eBay deploys powerful AI-powered tools to anticipate the needs of buyers, as well as recommend items and

How Much Do Influencers Charge?

The rising costs of Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing has recently joined the big league of high-end digital advertising options, with Instagram being the catalyst that drives its increased demand. Given that 70% of teenagers trust influencers over celebrities, it’s safe to say that influencer marketing is only going to get bigger. Creating a highly engaging sponsored post